26 February

...As a bee

 Is there any point to having a blog anymore? I'm not sure.

I certainly have a couple of blogs I read on a regular basis. In fact, I much prefer them to you tube videos and... what else is there? Tik Toks? 

Anyway, maybe that helps you understand my ambivalence about writing here. 

And that's not even mentioning the busyness of life. A busyness I create for myself? Yes, probably. 

(In fact, that's something I've been thinking about off and on lately. Am I the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Now, I've never actually read the book... or seen the Disney movie, for that matter. But I think I understand that rabbit. Sometimes I feel like I'm ALWAYS on a time schedule. Even my times of relaxing are not open-ended, but require my watching the clock. I'm always just on the verge of late. And psychologically, I don't think it's an ideal way to live. So where possible, I've been trying to soften the expectations. Work doesn't really go along with this schedule, for example, but when I head out for a ride after work, I do try to let me family know a general idea of when I'll be back, without promising to return in EXACTLY one hour. Because that's just extra stress, and on a normal evening, they don't mind half an hour one way or the other. )


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